I've never been a huge fan of warm weather. Fall is my favorite season with winter being a second close, but I have loved the warm weather April has brought so far.
Mainly because I have been able to do fun stuff with awesome friends in Clemson and work on my Chaco tan all at the same time.
Wins all around.
There is so much to do here. Between the mountains, campus beach, and the lakes surrounding Clemson, outdoor fun is available for days.
For example...
This past weekend especially was one for the books. It was "Spring Scene" here in Clemson, and the weekend consisted of all kinds of different events like the Color Run, a Josh Turner concert, and much more.
There was a carnival on campus Friday night. Yes, that is correct, Clemson is so awesome that they have carnivals. It was quite the experience.
That night Abby, Jenna, and I got to go to the Tiger Roar concert. Tiger Roar is Clemson's male a cappella group. It was incredible. I may or may not have fan-girled.
Saturday morning we hit the beach! We played some spike ball, sat around in the sun, and even got into the lake...and the water felt gooood.
My family came down this past weekend and met us at Y-beach. It was fun to watch my dad and brother learn the game we love so much (spike ball, that is) and for my mom to lounge on some beach towels and share life with my sweet friends.
I also just want to take a second to say how much I love these three girls, and how truly thankful I am for the placement of their lives in mine.
Ok next.
There is nothing like being in Death Valley. Really. It was great to be back. I've been missing Clemson football, and while this wasn't quite the same, it was a good enough taste to hold me until fall.
I love going home to Rock Hill to see my family. I really love when my family comes to my (second) home in Clemson and gets to live this life with me, even if it only offers them a small glance.

Speaking of getting glances into people's lives, I went to Furman a couple of weekends ago to spend time with this sweet friend. It was awesome to meet her friends and get a glance into her version of college life. Seeing the similarities and differences between Furman and Clemson college life was interesting.
I will take another moment to publicly say that I love this girl a lot. And I miss her.
Sadly, school is coming to an end. Only one more week of actual classes, a week of finals, and then my first year of college will officially be over. This year has been wonderful, and I fall in love with Clemson all over again and again and again on a regular basis.
One of the really cool things about being here has been watching Spring unfold. I have never so clearly seen the transition of seasons. I guess I either haven't ever been outside this much or ever paid this much attention. Or both.
The branches of trees went from being bare to having tiny, plain, brown buds. Then, as the sun shone, those buds opened up and beauty bursted forth. Now many of those beautiful flowers are turning into bright green leaves, and every day they stretch, growing towards the sun's light.
Every day that I pass these trees I marvel at God's beauty. At His wonder. At His immeasurable glory.
And I thank Him.
And now, as I sit here, it amazes me how this beautiful unfolding of spring so clearly reflects what happens to us in the gospel. That we are dead, lifeless, ugly sinners, with absolutely no hope of being righteous or beautiful before a mighty and just God. But then God softens our hard hearts and opens our blind eyes to see His glorious light, and when He does that, He causes us to burst forth in beauty.
All because He is gracious.
Because of the blood of Christ God looks at us and calls us righteous. And because Christ was raised from the dead we are free from sin. By His grace He has made us able to grow towards Him in order to become more like Him.
Praise God for His grace.
And praise Him for this glorious gospel that brings dead things to life.