Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The weekly // 19

Woo hoo for Mother's Day! Momma Priddy actually deserves every day to be her day, so it's a pity we only get one day, and even sadder that we never use that one day to celebrate her well enough. 
But that's just because it's actually impossible.

I love this woman, and I am incredibly thankful God saw it fit in His grace to make her my mom. 

I'm also thankful for the way she tends to become a mother figure for almost everyone who meets her. She just cares, really cares about people. I pray that the Lord would give me a heart like this woman. 

The day on the whole was awesome. I got to spend the entire thing with my family, as stated in the picture below (shoutout to FBCFM's photo booth…). We had lunch, walked around Target, and saw the new Captain America movie. Then before I realized, it was time to drive back to Clemson.

The theme for this week was babysitting. I literally babysat everyday…and it was awesome! 
In other news…

At the beginning of this week Ankit moved to New Jersey, but before he left, we had to do something for his last night in Clemson. We went and got dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse, and because that wasn't enough food (ha) we then went to TCBY. I'm thankful I became friends with Ankit, and hope he comes back to visit soon!

Wednesday I went on a hike with these friends, because it was Will's birthday. We hiked Table Rock. It's description as being "strenuous" is definitely accurate, but it was a beautiful day and the view was totally worth it! 

Thursday I finally experienced the famous Tandem and had the privilege of going with this dime.
 We were there for over three hours, and only left because Tandem was closing. I'm so thankful for time spent catching up with her! 

Friday Miles and I drove to Brevard, NC to help with FBCFM's High School Retreat. 
Miles taught the two guys sessions Saturday, and I got to teach the girls. 

I am so thankful for this weekend. I really love teaching and pouring into younger girls. I loved getting to log quality time with them both playing cards and digging into the truths of God's Word together. I got to hang out with my parents and see the beauty of God's creation. 

This weekend I reflected on my time spent as a high school student in the youth group. I thought about things that my heart experienced several years ago in the same place, on the same retreat, and the things God has taught me, the things and places He has brought me through. 

Which led me to think about the things He is currently doing and the things that He will do. There are currently, as I suspect there will always be, some unknowns. And as I work through correct ways to navigate them, I want to take action, get answers in ways I think could be beneficial. And maybe they actually could be. But when I'm honest with myself, I know that the root cause of the desire to make a move is selfish and comes from a sinful heart that isn't actively trusting the Lord. 

But that's not who I am anymore, and I refuse to go back to being that manipulative girl.

I read this shortly after talking through some of these things with my roommate 
(praise the Lord for timely truths): 

"God doesn't always make His will clear because He values our being transformed more than our being informed….when we're not quite sure, we end up making decisions based on what we really love…if we really love Jesus, we will increasingly love what He loves—we will be transformed by renewed minds. And our love for Him and His kingdom will be revealed in the pattern of small and large decisions that we make."  
—John Bloom

(for more, go to http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/why-god-s-will-isn-t-always-clear)

More than anything, I want Jesus. I want to be like Him and I want to display the glory of God. If the way for that to happen today is waiting and trusting, so be it, and blessed be the name of the Lord.

The weekly // 18

Started off the week by witnessing one of the loveliest ladies I have ever known get hitched. 

I just love weddings. 
(This is 1 of 5 for the summer, by the way)
I love how clearly the gospel is displayed, I love celebrating people I love, and I love getting to spend time fellowshipping and tearing up the dance floor with friends, especially with friends I only get to see every once in a blue moon. 

Monday I helped Sara in the SL warehouse. 
I had a blast doing 2 things I really love: manual labor and hanging out with Sara Turner.

I also got to get lunch and Sno Biz with 3 summers worth of Green Team people, Steel City Pops with the one and only Brett Schultz, and hung around for my first and last get together at Sara, Mechay, and Allison's house for their farewell/moving party. 

This week was a lonely one though. 

Tuesday I drove back to Clemson from Birmingham. I went from an extravert's dream to an extravert's nightmare. This was kind of the lull week between spring semester ending and summer activities starting. Translation: no one was around and there wasn't much to do. 

But I got some down time, went and saw the new Captain America movie by myself (totally worth it and would do it again in a heartbeat), and got a decent amount of babysitting in, so it's all good!

Saturday, on the other hand, was a whirlwind. 

I left Clemson at 7:30am with these two goobs and we headed to Greenville to see our friends walk across the stage and become official Clemson Alumni. 

I got to see a lot of friends graduate, which was so fun. Here are a few of the many!

After graduation I made the short drive to the Greenville airport because my best friend finally came home! Oh Hallelujah, praise the Lord!! 

Emily spent the entire semester studying abroad in Spain. I knew when she left that I would miss her, but I had no idea it would be so much. It's been a tough semester without her, and I'm thankful for the lessons God has taught me through it, but I am SO thankful that season is over! 

After picking her up, I ate dinner with her family, which was super fun, and then made a late night drive home to good ole Rock Hill to surprise my momma for Mother's Day! 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The weekly // 17

This was finals week. This was the week of lasts and the week of goodbyes. This was not a fun week. 

Finals week was very different for me this year. I've somewhat gotten used to saying goodbye at the end of spring semester, but this time was different. I think it's because in the past I've been a couple of years removed from the seniors, but this time around I had to say bye to people that I really love. 

Thankfully I'll see most of them again, but their absence definitely changes life as I know it in good ole Clemson, SC.

So, this week…

last small group hangout spent eating ice cream and discussing the Lord's great faithfulness // 
kayaking with Mac & Jenna // wedding shower for the future Mr. & Mrs. Renfrow // All In date with Mac so she could try her first All In cinnamon roll // one last roomie pic for the 612 Bombshells // Secret Church with some crazy girls who I love a lot // kayaking and quality time with sweet Stella